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Pony Club is an international organization for youth between the ages of 6 and 25. The underlying purpose is expressed in its motto - "Loyalty, Character, Sportsmanship". Oxford Pony Club (OPC) was founded in 2008 and is a chartered branch of the Canadian Pony Club (CPC), which means that in addition to operating within national standards, members who move can expect to find a similar organization in their new community that will welcome them. We belong to the Western Ontario Region (WOR).

Pony Club encourages young people to ride, but also teaches the specifics of horsemanship i.e. the care and maintenance of horses and ponies from the ground up. There is a strong focus on education - both theoretical and practical, which is then encouraged to be demonstrated through participation in a wide variety of equine activities and competitions.

Through parental involvement, the club can offer its members a variety of activities and events throughout the year. Members' parents are also asked to volunteer their time towards the organization and/or operation of the business of the branch and its activities. We attempt to keep annual fees low and participation costs to a minimum in order to encourage all members to take part. However, this necessitates a certain contribution of time and effort from the parents. Horse knowledge and skill are not prerequisites for parental involvement. We welcome all efforts in whatever direction the individual is most comfortable contributing.

The club's executive consists of four volunteers; District Commissioner, Assistant District Commissioner, Secretary and Treasurer. While these roles are important, the club would not be as active without the involvement of our parents covering many other roles. For more specific information on each of the Disciplines please visit our disciplines page.

For more information on the Oxford Pony Club join us on facebook at

 Oxford Pony Club - WOR

or email us at oxfordponyclub@outlook.com